Thursday, December 25, 2008


On January 3rd, we kicked off the new year with the Premier of a movie we were involved in, "Platinum". Here are some bloopers from Cameron's unexpected Cameo in Sean Hunt's latest film.

Our road really took a beating this year. The weather was quite hard on it. One day the road became so washed out that I had to pick up Grandma on the ATV.

The Stull's visited us a couple times this year. Here are our parents target practicing.

We are proud of our father for receiving his pin for working as a horticultural buyer for Wal-Mart 20 years. We were also honored to witness the receiving of a hero award for the amazing woman whom God used to save Dad's life late last year.

1 comment:

James Bourne said...

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.