Wednesday, December 15, 2010

August 2010

We made a nice poster featuring the train station we used to have in Sulphur Springs.

In August, Dad, Cameron and I went paintballing (For the first time) with the Maruquezes
Cameron spent the month in Saint Louis, working on refurbishing a house with Grandpa.

Mom and I came to St. Louis to visit Cameron. We also filmed and photographed a wedding with our friends, Micah and Johanna.

This is us at St. Louis Bread Co. with our cousins and Great Aunt Norma!
Mom and I stayed at Aunt Melinda's and Teddy's while we were in St. Louis. This is Aunt Melinda and I working on her Heritage Makers book:
One of the last things Mom and I did on our trip was visit the Lutheran church Mom used to go to, when she was young.

Ah! I got my hair cut! This is a picture of me with Angela, my hair dresser.

Grandma's girls: Mamie, Melinda, Lisa and Joyce

Grandma's children and step-children came together for Grandma's step-son's funeral.

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